***UPDATE 4 Loads of Mixed Cows | Load any day next week as many loads as you want at a time.…
SALE CHANGE: Bidding will be strait-NO DECIMAL POINT. For Example when you enter your bid, Bid 110 not 1.10 Any questions please give us a call. Thank you for your continued support
Terms and Lot information are listed on the Information Sheet provided to all approved buyers.
In order to bid you must be approved by Kreeger and Associates, LLC.
Kreeger and Associates reserves the right to not allow a person or company to bid in this exchange. If you need any help registering give us a call we will be glad to help.
SALE CHANGE: Bidding will be strait-NO DECIMAL POINT. For Example when you enter your bid, Bid 110 not 1.10 Any questions please give us a call. Thank you for your continued support
Terms and Lot information are listed on the Information Sheet provided to all approved buyers.
In order to bid you must be approved by Kreeger and Associates, LLC.
Kreeger and Associates reserves the right to not allow a person or company to bid in this exchange. If you need any help registering give us a call we will be glad to help.
United States