2013 JD 7950 Pro-Drive Chopper , Sells with both heads | For more information call Chad Kreeger 517-294-3484, Bob Shinn (Owner) 810-404-1611 or any K & A Team Member
Lot Number:1
Buy Now:$160,000.00

2013 JD 7950 Pro-Drive Chopper  |  sn/ 1Z07950YEB0511373

2650 Engine  Hours  |  1680 Cutter Hours 

JD Harvest Lab, 2015

Kernal Processor-Only 400 acres on New Rollers & Bearings

10 30" Row JD Rotary Corn Head-25'   | sn/ 1KM07470GCBB115851

JD Pick-Up Head-15' | sn/  1KM645CGHBB116782

Dohrect Enject Inoculant System

Serviced Every Fall By Tri-County Equipment

Call Bob Shinn 810-404-1611 with questions on the chopper or any K&A Team Member

Located in Croswell, MI

This is a good well maintained clean chopper—Ready To Go To Work !!!